Most of the time you can trust the diagnosing dyslexia and dyslexia treatment of your children to skilled teachers in your local education system. Dyslexia in children is now routinely screened for and detected. But every parent wants to help his or her kids do better in school.
And many parents feel that the education of their children is too important to pass off to the teachers and forget about. If you have a child with dyslexia or a child who is having difficulty in reading you want to help. You want to get involved in homework, interact with your child and understand how the child is progressing.
Fortunately there are a variety of tools available to help you in this.
First off, there is a line of computer games used in the diagnosis of dyslexia in children that you might want to look into. There is a whole series of such games developed by The Diagnostic Gaming Company, with different games used for different ages and stages of development of the children they are designed to test.
Qualified specialists have participated in the design and testing of these games, to make them useful tools in early dyslexia screening and testing.
It ends up being just some fun games for the children to play. They usually have no idea that there is some kind of test involved. A parent or teacher reads the manual first, understands what is supposed to happen and can just unobtrusively watch while the children play. Parts of the games are designed to test for dyslexia symptoms.
If a child has a potential problem with some dyslexic condition, then that child will have difficulties with certain parts of the game. An adult observer who knows the rules from reading the handbook can quickly see, and make note of, the specific problem area. Then armed with the info a specialist can be consulted.
Also there are games available that help treat dyslexia symptoms in children. Games have been developed using proven methods to help dyslexic children work around and overcome their problems. Trained specialists have incorporated these methods and techniques into games that children find to be both entertaining and fun.
That makes the games easy to teach the children and play with. This, as well as being highly effective in teaching useful skills and ways to overcome dyslexia symptoms.
These games are easy to obtain over the Internet. You can download them and print out the parts that need to be printed out. Then you read over the instructions and start playing the games with your children. For many games the whole thing can be downloaded, printed out and started playing within minutes.
For more information on dyslexia in children, the diagnosis of dyslexia and reading games to help your child read, just follow the links below...
[By the way, if you have a dyslexic child, have YOU ever been tested for dyslexia? There's a genetic link you know... it runs in families. The links below will also take you to sources for adult dyslexia testing...]
And many parents feel that the education of their children is too important to pass off to the teachers and forget about. If you have a child with dyslexia or a child who is having difficulty in reading you want to help. You want to get involved in homework, interact with your child and understand how the child is progressing.
Fortunately there are a variety of tools available to help you in this.
First off, there is a line of computer games used in the diagnosis of dyslexia in children that you might want to look into. There is a whole series of such games developed by The Diagnostic Gaming Company, with different games used for different ages and stages of development of the children they are designed to test.
Qualified specialists have participated in the design and testing of these games, to make them useful tools in early dyslexia screening and testing.
It ends up being just some fun games for the children to play. They usually have no idea that there is some kind of test involved. A parent or teacher reads the manual first, understands what is supposed to happen and can just unobtrusively watch while the children play. Parts of the games are designed to test for dyslexia symptoms.
If a child has a potential problem with some dyslexic condition, then that child will have difficulties with certain parts of the game. An adult observer who knows the rules from reading the handbook can quickly see, and make note of, the specific problem area. Then armed with the info a specialist can be consulted.
Also there are games available that help treat dyslexia symptoms in children. Games have been developed using proven methods to help dyslexic children work around and overcome their problems. Trained specialists have incorporated these methods and techniques into games that children find to be both entertaining and fun.
That makes the games easy to teach the children and play with. This, as well as being highly effective in teaching useful skills and ways to overcome dyslexia symptoms.
These games are easy to obtain over the Internet. You can download them and print out the parts that need to be printed out. Then you read over the instructions and start playing the games with your children. For many games the whole thing can be downloaded, printed out and started playing within minutes.
For more information on dyslexia in children, the diagnosis of dyslexia and reading games to help your child read, just follow the links below...
[By the way, if you have a dyslexic child, have YOU ever been tested for dyslexia? There's a genetic link you know... it runs in families. The links below will also take you to sources for adult dyslexia testing...]